Cerocahui & Mission Hotel

The train dropped us off at the station in Bauchivo at about 2PM, eight hours after we departed Los Mochis. We were met by Mission Hotel staff and driven, often on a dirt road, 30 minutes to the village of Cerocahui. We were high in the Tarahumara mountains, but far from the canyon rim.

When Spanish Jesuit missionaries built the mission in this area about 400 years ago, they named the native people Tarahumara after the mountain range. However, they call themselves Raramuri, so that's what I'll use throughout this site. Raramuri means "men of light feet," and they are legendary runners.

We only had an overnight stay, but took a three hour driving loop tour the morning before we left. It was our first view of the canyon itself, and it was spectacular!

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